No clean channel, drive channel OK.
Replace pre amp valve No.3&4
Secondary HT fuse (1Amp time delay) blows repeatedly. This is a strong indication of a damaged output valve. The valve
function chart shows the valve layout and the function each performs.
Replace the secondary fuse and turn on the power WITH STANDBY ENGAGED. View the output valves. If one of the
valves fails to light up, replace that valve. If both of the output valves are lit dimily, look directly at the output valves abd
disengage standby. If one of the valves flashes brightly or glows red hot in comparison to the adjacent valves, replace that
particular valve. A simple way to verify that the valve is damaged is to switch the position of the suspect valve and follow the
above procedure. If the valve exhibits the same symptoms in a different valve socket position, you can be certain that the
valve is damaged.
If the output valve checks out OK, another cause of a blown secondary fuse is a damaged Driver pre amp valve No.6. Replace
the Driver pre amp valve No.6 first and follow the above procedures. If the symptom persists, consult a qualified engineer, do
not fit a higher rated fuse.
No pre amplifier boost on Drive channel
Replace pre amplifier valves No.1&2.
Slow loss of power
Check first for damaged output valves (glowing ,flashing or dead) by using the procedures described in symptom 3. Next check
driver pre amp valve No.6.
All of these trouble shooting procedures can be performed quickly, without the aid of any sophisticated test gear. We suggest that
you always maintain spare valves for emergency purposes. Keep your free of dirt, dust and moisture to prevent
performance failure Never subject your valve amp to environmental conditions that would not be comfortable to you!
Should other customer service be necessary, contact your authorised dealer or call service direct.
Laney Laney
Maximum Power Consumption 200Watts
Supply Voltage (Factory Pre-set) 115/230 Volts
Supply Frequency 50/60Hz
Output Power 50 Watts
Input Impedance Hi 1 Meg Ohm
Input impedance Lo 470k Ohm
FX loop level (nominal) 0dB
FX send/return impedance 1k/100k Ohm
Speaker impedance 2x16 Ohm(8)
Extension speaker 8 Ohm
Speaker size 2x12"300mm
Speaker rating 80 Watts
Maximum Power Consumption 250Watts
Supply Voltage (Factory Pre-set) 115/230 Volts
Supply Frequency 50/60Hz
Output Power 100 Watts
Input Impedance Hi 1 Meg Ohm
Input Impedance Lo 470 K Ohm
FX loop level (nominal) 0dB
FX send/return impedance 1k/100k Ohm
Speaker impedance 2x16 Ohm (8)
Extension speaker 8 Ohm
Speaker size 2x12/300mm
Speaker rating 80 Watts
Maximum Power Consumption 250 Watts Supply Voltage (Factory Preset) 115/230 V
Supply Frequency 50/60 Hz Output power 100 Watts
Input Impedance Hi 1 Meg Input Impedance Lo 470 k Ohm
FX Loop/Line level (all nominal) 0dB FX Send/Return impedance 1k/100 k Ohm