1. Start your WEB browser.
2. In the Address or Location box, enter "HTTP://" and the NAS Server's IP Address. If using the default
IP address:
Note: If the port number used by the NAS has been changed (on the System screen) from the default
(80), you must specify the correct port number when you connect.
For example, if the current port is 8080:
3. The following screen will be displayed.
NAS Home Page
4. To change your password, click on the "Change Password" link.
The following screen will be displayed.
Change User Password
5. Enter the required data:
• User name - your login name on the NAS, created by the NAS Server's administrator.
• Existing password - your current password
• New password - the password you now wish to use.
• Confirm new password - reenter the new value to ensure it is correct.
6. Click "Save" to save your changes.
7. Click "Home" to return to the main screen.
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