can be a combination of letters (A-Z or a-z), numbers (0-9) and hyphens (-). The server
will not accept name containing blank spaces, period (.), or names with only numbers.
The LCD display will show the current server name.
Next, you must configure your LevelOne NAS to the workgroup. The workgroup
represents a basic computer group within the Microsoft Network. Files are normally
shared within the group. Workgroups can accommodate as much as 15 characters but
must exclude the following characters:
; : " < > * + = \ | ? , [ ] /
The first character cannot be a period (.). For ease of management and usage, please set
your LevelOne NAS and attached computer(s) in the same workgroup.
Moreover, the LevelOne NAS allows you to specify comments (such as administrator
name, department, or location) that describe the LevelOne NAS for ease of identification
to an on-line user.
• Date & Time
Set the date, time, and time zone according to your current location. If the settings are
incorrectly entered, the following problems may occur:
1. When using a web browser to access or save a file, the time of the file accessed or
saved may be out of sync.
2. The system event log time will be incorrect compared to the actual time an action
• Language Setting
The server is based on the language settings and uses it accordingly while creating or
displaying files and directories. Select the correct language settings to avoid the
following problems:
1. Inability to create files or directories with special wording.
2. Inability to display files or directories name with special wording.
Network Settings
The network settings include TCP/IP configuration and network service settings.
• TCP/IP Configuration
According to your local network, you can choose the following two methods to configure
the TCP/IP settings:
1. Obtain IP address settings automatically via DHCP
If your network supports DHCP, the LevelOne NAS will automatically use the DHCP
protocol to retrieve the IP (Internet Protocol) address and related information.