ii. Select one of Data Backup methods to modify the data:
Ö Create new Private Disk, and keep old: Only creates a new Private Disk, and
keeps the old Private Disk.
Ö Create new Private Disk, and copy old disk to new disk: Creates a new
Private Disk, and copies the data of old Private Disk to the new Private Disk.
Ö Create new Private Disk, and copy old disk to new disk, and remove old
disk: Creates a new Private Disk, and copies the date of old Private Disk to the
new Private Disk. The data of the old Private Disk will be deleted.
iii. Click Apply to set new system path for backup system files.
p Click Mobile Office tab.
i. Click Browse button to select which path that you want to change.
ii. Select one of Data Backup methods to modify the data:
Ö Assign new path: Only creates a new path, and the data in the original path will
not be deleted.
Ö Assign new path and copy the data to new path: Creates a new path and
copies the data of the original path to a new path, and the data in the original path
will not be deleted.
Ö Assign new path and remove the data: Creates a new path, but the data of the
original path will be deleted.
Ö Assign new path and move the data to new path (remove data in old path):
Creates a new path and copies the data of the original path to a new path, and
then deletes the data of the original path.
iii. Click Apply to set new system path for backup system files.