System Mode
Output Level (0 to -31dB, Off)
Sets output level attenuation within a 0 to -31dB range,
or off.
Input Source
(Analog Stereo; Analog Mono L and R; S/PDIF Digital)
Selects input type. The current selection is indicated in
the lower-left corner of the front panel display. "S" stands
for Analog Stereo, "L" stands for Analog Mono L, "R"
stands for Analog Mono R, and "D" stands for S/PDIF
digital. The number following the prefix indicates the
sample rate (48 or 44.1kHz). "NoD" indicates that no
valid digital audio signal is present.
When set to Analog Stereo, the unit processes signals
from both analog inputs. When set to Analog Mono L,
the unit sends signals from the ANALOG INPUT labelled
LEFT to both processor inputs. When set to Analog Mono
R, the unit sends signals from the ANALOG INPUT
labelled RIGHT to both processor inputs.
When set to S/PDIF Digital, the unit processes signals
from the S/PDIF IN connector. If no valid digital audio
signal is present, the unit will mute and an alert message
will appear on the front panel display.
When the Input Source parameter is set to S/PDIF
Digital, the Clock Source parameter will
automatically be set to External (S/PDIF).
Clock Source
(Internal 44.1kHz and 48kHz, External (S/PDIF))
Selects the internal or external clock source for the unit.
When set to Internal 44.1kHz, the unit utilizes an internal
clock with a 44.1kHz sample rate. When set to Internal
48kHz, the unit utilizes an internal clock with a 48kHz
sample rate. When set to External (S/PDIF), the unit
utilizes the S/PDIF input signal, even if an analog source
is used. "NoD" will appear in the lower-left corner of the
front panel display if no valid digital input signal is
present to utilize for the external clock.