
4) Updating is staring.
5) Fishing the version uploading, you have to put USB stick
and “AC Power” off.
6) After putting “AC Power” on and check updated version
on your TV.
* If downloading version is more high than your TV have, TV
can lost all channel data. In this case, you have to
channel recover. if all channel data is cleared, you didn’t
have a DTV/ATV test on production line.
* After downloading, have to adjust TOOL
OPTION again.
1) Push "IN-START" key in service remote controller
2) Select “Tool Option 1” and Push “OK” button.
3) Punch in the number. (Each model hax their number)
4) Completed selecting Tool option.
3.1. ADC Process
(1) External ADC (Only adjust in the component mode 480I)
• Input the Signal in the Component 1 -Component 480I
(Adjusted only this mode)
MODEL: 209 in Pattern Generator(480i Mode)
PATTERN : 65 in Pattern Generator( MSPG-925 Series)
• After enter Service Mode by pushing “ADJ” key,
• Enter the 5 item and then Push the “Start” button
(2) Internal ADC(Only adjust in the RGB mode)
• After enter Service Mode by pushing “ADJ” key
• Enter ADC Calibration mode by pushing “G” key at “5.
ADC Calibration
• Push the Start button
(3) Function Check
- Check display and sound
• Check Input and Signal items. (cf. work instructions)
1) TV
3) COMPONENT (480i)
4) RGB (PC : 1024 x 768 @ 60hz)
6) PC Audio In
* Display and Sound check is executed by Remote
4. Total Assembly line process
4.1. Adjustment Preparation
• W/B Equipment condition
CA210 : CH 9, Test signal : Inner pattern (85IRE)
• Above 5 minutes H/run in the inner pattern. (“power on” key
of adjust remote control)
- 11 -
LGE Internal Use OnlyCopyright © 2009 LG Electronics. Inc. All right reserved.
Only for training and service purposes
Tool 1 2 3 4
Option 13824 3382 56744 2304
<Adjustment pattern(PC)>
Cool 11,000k ºK X=0.276(±0.002)
Y=0.283(±0.002) <Test Signal>
Medium 9,300k ºK X=0.285(±0.002) Inner pattern
Y=0.293(±0.002) (216gray,85IRE)
Warm 6,500k ºK X=0.313(±0.002)
Downloaded From TV-Manual.com Manuals