1133.. OOSSDD SSeelleecctt ((CCoommmmaanndd:: kk ll))
To select OSD (On Screen Display) on/off.
Transmission [k][l][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
Data 00: OSD off Data 01: OSD on
Acknowledgement [l][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
1144.. RReemmoottee CCoonnttrrooll LLoocckk MMooddee ((CCoommmmaanndd:: kk mm))
To lock the remote control and the front panel controls
on the set.
Transmission [k][m][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
Data 00: Lock off Data 01: Lock on
Acknowledgement [m][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
If you’re not using the remote control and front panel
controls on the TV, use this mode. When main power is
on/off, remote control lock is released.
1155.. TTrreebbllee ((CCoommmmaanndd:: kk rr))
To adjust treble.
You can also adjust treble in the Audio menu.
Transmission [k][r][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
Data Min: 00 ~ Max: 64 (*transmit by Hexadecimal code)
*Refer to ‘Real data mapping 1’ as shown below.
Acknowledgement [r][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
1166.. BBaassss ((CCoommmmaanndd:: kk ss))
To adjust bass.
You can also adjust bass in the Audio menu.
Transmission [k][s][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
Data Min: 00 ~ Max: 64 (*transmit by Hexadecimal code)
*Refer to ‘Real data mapping 1’ as shown below.
Acknowledgement [s][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
1177.. BBaallaannccee ((CCoommmmaanndd:: kk tt))
To adjust balance.
You can also adjust balance in the Audio menu.
Transmission [k][t][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
Data Min: 00 ~ Max: 64 (*transmit by Hexadecimal code)
*Refer to ‘Real data mapping 1’ as shown.
Acknowledgement [t][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
1188.. CCoolloorr TTeemmppeerraattuurree ((CCoommmmaanndd:: kk uu))
To adjust color temperature.
You can also adjust color temperature in the Picture menu.
Transmission [k][u][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
Data 00: Medium 01: Cool 02: Warm 03: User
Acknowledgement [u][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
1199.. RReedd AAddjjuussttmmeenntt ((CCoommmmaanndd:: kk vv))
To adjust red in color temperature
Transmission [k][v][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
Data Min: 00 ~ Max: 28
*Refer to ‘Real data mapping 2’ as shown below.
Acknowledgement [v][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
2200.. GGrreeeenn AAddjjuussttmmeenntt ((CCoommmmaanndd:: kk ww))
To adjust green in color temperature.
Transmission [k][w][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
Data Min: 00 ~ Max: 28
*Refer to ‘Real data mapping 2’ as shown below.
Acknowledgement [w][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
2211.. BBlluuee AAddjjuussttmmeenntt ((CCoommmmaanndd:: kk $$))
To adjust blue in color temperature.
Transmission [k][$][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
Data Min: 0 ~ Max: 28
*Refer to ‘Real data mapping 2’ as shown below.
Acknowledgement [$][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
2222.. IISSMM MMeetthhoodd ((CCoommmmaanndd:: jj pp))
To avoid having a fixed image remain on screen.
Transmission [ j ][p][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
Data 01: Inversion 04: White Wash
02: Orbiter 08: Normal
Acknowledgement [p][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
2233.. LLooww PPoowweerr ((CCoommmmaanndd:: jj qq))
To control the low power function on/off.
Transmission [ j ][q][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
Data 00: Low Power off
01: Low Power on
Acknowledgement [q][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
*Real data mapping 1
0: Step 0
A: Step 10 (SET ID 10)
F: Step 15 (SET ID 15)
10: Step 16 (SET ID 16)
63: Step 99 (SET ID 99)
64: Step 100
*Real data mapping 2
0: -20
1: -19
3 : -18
13: -1
14: 0
15: +1
27: +19
28: +20