
Reset Clone After Static Shock
After replacing exhausted batteries, or if the program-
mer behaves strangely after a static shock, use a paper
clip or similar instrument inserted through the small
hole marked ”RESET” to activate the internal reset
switch and restore normal operation. After a reset,
check the real-time clock setting. It may be necessary
to reset the Clone Programmer clock from a TV con-
taining the correct time.
The LT2002 programmer is designed to be used with
TVs containing the 221-01006 and later processors.
Use with earlier TV sets may give unpredictable results.
Processors used before the 221-01006-04 have a lim-
ited screen display capability. They cannot display
entire screens as shown in the quick setup instructions
accompanying the LT2002 clone programmer. Use the
printed menu illustrations on the quick setup sheet
supplied with the Clone as an aid to making your pro-
gramming choices. (Although the menus are not all dis-
played, the clone functions all operate normally.)
Clone Programmer Troubleshooting
Warning: Do not use the LT2002 while any PPV card
is installed in the TV or the clone programmer will be
After cloning operations are complete, just unplug the LT2002 from the TV.
If the TV does not display a picture on the TV (blank screen) after a few seconds, just change channels.
CClloonnee PPrrooggrraammmmeerr
Press Reset on clone programmer, redo teach/learn. (Teach/Learn should take a
minimum of 1 minute.)
Only use an LG Installer remote to operate the clone programmer with the TV.
Connect the M.P.I. cord properly, assure a good connection.
TV must be powered On for the clone to work.
Install 4 fresh AA high-quality alkaline batteries.
Connect the TV to a reliable Analog channel signal source.
Set the time on a TV and then copy the time to the Clone Programmer.
Try a different LT2002 Clone programmer.
Reset the Clone Programmer.
Retry cloning again.
Clone copies Setup in less
than 30 seconds
LED does not blink
Remote does not operate
Clone menu hard to read
No time set
Clone not working
Clone Scans Channels
more than once
MMaasstteerr aanndd OOtthheerr TTVVss
Wait until procedure complete message is displayed.
Cloning is only possible with identical model TVs.
Reread cloning pages to be sure all tasks were performed.
Batteries must remain installed to retain time settings.
Disconnect newly-cloned TV from power for 5 seconds.
Cloning did not work
New Setup not present
Clone time disappeared