Exte r n a[ ,,,;,;;q u I p me n t Co nec|:! o s
NOTE: All cables shown are not included with the TV
- Antenna or Cable Service without a Cable Box Connection
For optimum picture quality, adjust antenna direction if needed.
Vlulti-family Dwellings/Apartments
_Connect to wail antenna socket
Wall Antenna Socket
RF Coaxial Wire (75 onmJ
VHF Antenna _
UHFAntenna _ t Outdoor AnteT_: clockw'se t° tighten"
Single-family Dwellings Houses
(Connect to wall jack for outdoor antenna.
Bronze Wire
Be careful not to bend the bronze wire when
connecting the antenna.
Cable TV Wall Jack
Turn €lockwise to tighten:
Bronze Wire
in a poor signal area to improve picture quality, purchase and install a sig-
nal amplifier.
if the antenna needs to be split for two TV's, install a "2-Way Signal Splitter"
in the connections.
if the antenna is not installed properly, contact your dealer for assistance.