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LGE Internal Use OnlyCopyright © LG Electronics. Inc. All rights reserved.
Only for training and service purposes
Ex) wb 00 00 -> Begin white balance auto-adj.
wb 00 10 -> Gain adj.
ja 00 ff -> Adj. data
jb 00 c0
wb 00 1f → Gain adj. completed
*(wb 00 20(Start), wb 00 2f(end)) → Off-set adj.
wb 00 ff → End white balance auto-adj.
▪ Adj. Map
4.2.5. Adj. method
(1) Auto adj. method
1) Set TV in adj. mode using POWER ON key.
2) Zero calibrate probe then place it on the center of the
3) Connect Cable.(RS-232C to USB)
4) Select mode in adj. Program and begin adj.
5) When adj. is complete (OK Sign), check adj. status pre
mode. (Warm, Medium, Cool)
6) Remove probe and RS-232C cable to complete adj.
▪ W/B Adj. must begin as start command “wb 00 00” , and
finish as end command “wb 00 ff”, and Adj. offset if need.
(2) Manual adjustment. method
1) Set TV in Adj. mode using POWER ON.
2) Zero Calibrate the probe of Color Analyzer, then place it
on the center of LCD module within 10 cm of the
3) Press ADJ key → EZ adjust using adj. R/C → 7. White-
Balance then press the cursor to the right(key ►).
(When right key(►) is pressed 216 Gray internal pattern
will be displayed)
4) One of R Gain / G Gain / B Gain should be fixed at 192,
and the rest will be lowered to meet the desired value.
5) Adjustment is performed in COOL, MEDIUM, WARM 3
modes of color temperature.
▪ If internal pattern is not available, use RF input. In EZ
Adj. menu 7.White Balance, you can select one of 2
Test-pattern: ON, OFF. Default is inner(ON). By selecting
OFF, you can adjust using RF signal in 216 Gray pattern.
▪ Adjustment condition and cautionary items
1) Lighting condition in surrounding area
Surrounding lighting should be lower 10 lux. Try to
isolate adj. area into dark surrounding.
2) Probe location
: Color Analyzer(CA-210) probe should be within 10 cm
and perpendicular of the module surface (80° ~ 100°)
3) Aging time
- After Aging Start, Keep the Power ON status during 5
- In case of LCD, Back-light on should be checked
using no signal or Full-white pattern.
4.2.6. Reference (White balance Adj. coordinate and
color temperature)
▪ Luminance : 2066 Gray
▪ Standard color coordinate and temperature using CS-1000
(over 26 inch)
▪ Standard color coordinate and temperature using CA-210(CH 18)
4.2.7. ALELF & EDGE LED White balance table
- EDGE LED module change color coordinate because of
aging time.
- Apply under the color coordinate table, for compensated
aging time.
- (Normal line)72LM95 , 84LM96
- (
Aging Chamber)72LM950 ,84LM96
Adj. item
(lower caseASCII)
Data Range
R Gain j g 00 C0
G Gain j h 00 C0
B Gain j i 00 C0
R Cut
G Cut
B Cut
R Gain j a 00 C0
G Gain j b 00 C0
B Gain j c 00 C0
R Cut
G Cut
B Cut
R Gain j d 00 C0
G Gain j e 00 C0
B Gain j f 00 C0
R Cut
G Cut
Temp ∆uv
x y
Cool 0.269 0.273 13000 K 0.0000
Medium 0.285 0.293 9300 K 0.0000
Warm 0.313 0.329 6500 K 0.0000
Temp ∆uv
x y
Cool 0.269 ± 0.002 0.273 ± 0.002 13000 K 0.0000
Medium 0.285 ± 0.002 0.293 ± 0.002 9300 K 0.0000
Warm 0.313 ± 0.002 0.329 ± 0.002 6500K 0.0000
Aging time
Cool Medium Warm
X y x y x y
269 273 285 293 313 329
1 0-2 280 287 296 307 320 337
2 3-5 279 285 295 305 319 335
3 6-9 277 284 293 304 317 334
4 10-19 276 283 292 303 316 333
5 20-35 274 280 290 300 314 330
6 36-49 272 277 288 297 312 327
7 50-79 271 275 287 295 311 325
8 80-119 270 274 286 294 310 324
9 Over 120 269 273 285 293 309 323
Aging time
Cool Medium Warm
X y x y x y
269 273 285 293 313 329
1 0-2 276 282 292 302 316 332
2 3-5 274 280 290 300 314 330
3 6-9 273 278 289 298 313 328
4 10-19 272 276 288 296 312 326
5 20-35 271 274 287 294 311 324
6 36-49 270 272 286 292 310 322
7 50-79 266 269 282 289 306 319
8 80-119 264 267 280 287 304 317
9 Over 120 263 266 279 286 303 316