A profile is the network information used to connect to the Internet.
T-mobile supports three kinds of profile.
1. t-zones
If you want to connect the server via WAP 2.0, activate this profile.
2. t-zones business
3. t-zones GPRS
If you want to connect the WAP server over GPRS, activate this
4. t-zones CSD
If you want to connect the WAP server over CSD, activate this
profile. For more information, consult T-mobile.
Each profile has submenus as follows:
] Activate: Activates the selected profile.
] Settings: Use this to edit and change WAP settings for the
selected profile.
- Homepage: This setting allows you to enter the address (URL)
of a site you want to use as homepage. You do not need to type
http:// at the front of each URL as the WAP Browser will
automatically add it.
- Bearer: You can set the bearer data service.
1 Data
- Data settings: Appears only if you select Data Settings as a
Bearer / service.
IP address: Enter the IP address of the WAP gateway you want.
Dial number: Enter the telephone number to dial to access your
WAP gateway.
[ 91 C3300 User Guide ]