
Playing Music
To listen to music that you have transferred to your phone,
follow these quick easy steps:
Playing Music with the Flip Open
1. Press the Key, select Music Player (1), then All Songs (1)
or Playlists (2). Select a song or playlist.
2. Press
to play/pause. Press up or down on the
Navigation Key to change the volume, and left or right to
go to the previous or next song.
3. Press the Left Soft Key for Minimize to access other phone
functionality while music is playing.
Playing Music with the Flip Closed
1. Press and hold the Key. Select All Songs or a playlist.
Use the left side volume keys to scroll.
2. Press to play/pause the music. Use the or
keys to go to the previous or next song.
3. Press and hold the Key to exit the music player.