
(3) DIGITAL DATA(HDMI-2) 256Byte
(4) DIGITAL DATA(HDMI-3) 256Byte
1) All Data : HEXA Value
2) Changeable Data :
*: Serial No : Controlled / Data:01
**: Month : Controlled / Data:00
***:Year : Controlled
****:Check sum
4.7. HDCP (High-Bandwidth Digital Contents Protection)
SETTING (Scaler : Mstar)
- Connect D-sub Signal Cable to D-Sub Jack
- Input HDCP key with HDCP-key- in-program
- HDCP Key value is stored on EEPROM (AT24C512) which
is 0x80 addresses of 0xA0 page
- AC off/ on and on HDCP button of MSPG925 and confirm
whether picture is displayed or not of using MSPG925
- HDCP Key value is different among the sets.
4.11 Outgoing condition Configuration
When pressing IN-STOP key by SVC remocon, Red LED are
blinked alternatively. And then Automatically turn off. (Must
not AC power OFF during blinking)
4.12 Internal pressure
Confirm whether is normal or not when between power
board's ac block and GND is impacked on 1.5kV(dc) or
2.2kV(dc) for one second
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Only for training and service purposes