Tasks using Voice command
saidaloud.Justsay“Ok Google”orswipethehomescreentotheleftuntilyouseethe
Speak nowoptionandsayyourcommandorquestion.
Forexample,onceyou’reontheSpeak nowmenuyoucantouch“Start stopwatch”.
Todothesamethingwithyourvoice,justsay“Ok Google, start stopwatch”from
NOTE: Some voice actions are not available in all languages and countries.
Follow these steps to start using your voice on your watch:
1 Ifyourscreenisdim,tapthescreentowakeupthewatch.
2 Fromthewatchface,say“Ok Google”.YouwillseetheSpeak nowprompt.
3 Sayyourcommandoraskyourquestion.
Opening a feature using touch:
1 Ifyourscreenisdim,tapthescreentowakeupthewatch.
2 Tapanywhereonthebackgroundofthescreen.
3 SwipeleftuntilyouseetheSpeak nowprompt.
4 Swipedowntochoosethetaskyouwant.
Tip: You’ll see recently used apps at the top of the list of things you can do.
Tasks using Voice command