
. LG NAS Web Menu Use (for LG NAS administrators)
⑤ The task name is saved.
⑥ The task information description is specified.
⑦ The selected device’s unique ID is displayed. ID specific to the manufacturer
information, product information, etc, are displayed.
The port with the device is displayed.
⑨ The backup information stored target folder is specified. When selecting the
device, a default folder is created automatically. The target folder can be
changed to a folder other than the default folder.
The backup schedule is specified. Daily, Weekly, Monthly options are possible.
If the monthly cycle is chosen, the date will be specified. If the weekly option is
chosen, the day will be specified.
The backup time will be specified.
⑫ an automatic back up every time a USB is connected is created.
⑬ For incremental backups, the incremental back up option is selected. This is
possible only when the ‘Incremental’ back up method option is valid.
- File date folder: Executes incremental back up from original file creation/
modification date. A backup folder is created with name in the form
“yyyymmdd” according to the folder’s original creation date.