
The movie list is activated once USB is detected. It is used when playing movie files on TV.
Displays the movies in the USB folder and supports Play.
Allows playback of all movies in the folder and user desired files.
Editing such as delete and add is not allowed.
It is a movie list that displays folder information and Divx file.
Supports up to four drives.
MOVIE(*.avi/*.Divx) supporting file
Video format : MPEG1 , MPEG2, MPEG4 (Doesn’t support Microsoft MPEG4-V2, V3), DivX 3.xx , DivX
4.xx, DivX 5.xx , DivX VOD ( DRM ) , XviD, DivX 6.xx(Playback)
Audio format : Mpeg, Mp3, PCM, Dolby Digital.
Sampling frequency : 32k ~ 48kHz
Bit rate : 32k ~ 320kbps
Subtitle format : *.smi/ *.srt/ *.sub(MicroDVD, SubViewer 2.0)/ *.ass/ *.ssa/*.txt(DVD Subtitle System)
Some user-created subtitles may not work properly.
• Time information in an external subtitle file should be arranged in ascending order to be played.
• The video file and the subtitle file must be located in the same folder.
• The name of the video file and the subtitle file must be the same to view the subtitles normally.
• If the video and audio structure of recorded file is not interleaved, either video or audio is outputted.
• Playing a video via a USB connection that does not support high speed may not work properly.
• USB storage devices below USB 2.0 are supported as well. But they may not work properly in the movie list.
• DivX may not be played depending on its types or recording methods.
• If the video and audio structure of recorded file is not interleaved, either video or audio is outputted.
MMaaxx bbiittrraattee ooff ppllaayyaabbllee DDiivvXX iiss 44MMbbppss..
• Maximum FPS (Frame Per Second) can be reached only at SD level. FPS is 25 FPS (720*576) or 30 FPS
(720*480) depending on Resolution.
• Files of 25 FPS or 30 FPS of higher may not be played properly.
• Files encoded with GMC(Global Motion Compensation) may not be played.
• Certain video files created with an encoder may not be played.
• Some of subtitle files that are not ordered in sequence may not be display.
mpg, mpeg, mpe, vob, dat
Avi, divx, m4v
MPEG 4-SP, MPEG4-ASP, Divx 3.xx,Divx 4.xx,
Divx 5.xx, Divx 6.xx(Playback),
Video CodecExtension name Audio Codec
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