This section describes how to restore all factory defaults or just the Installer Menu factory defaults either on
a single STB that is currently in Pass-through or FTG Mode or on multiple STBs that are currently in FTG
Restore All Factory Defaults
This section describes how to restore a single STB, regardless of its current mode, to a factory default
value/password for Installer Menu item 117 FACT DEFAULT that enables access to initiate a factory
“IN-STOP” process, which restores all factory defaults on the STB. This procedure will also reactivate the
EZ-Manager Wizard.
1. Use the Installer Remote to access the STB’s Installer Menu.
2. Navigate to Installer Menu item 117 FACT DEFAULT, and key in the value provided by technical support.
Then, press OK.
3. Atthepromptforconrmation,keyinthepasswordprovidedbytechnicalsupport.Thiswillinitiatethe
IN-STOP that restores the factory defaults on the STB.
Installer Menu Item 117 FACT DEFAULT
If the STB is currently in Pass-through Mode, you can set Installer Menu item 117 FACT DEFAULT to 1
to restore the Installer Menu factory defaults and clear the PTC Channel Map, including any assigned
channel icons and custom text labels. Note, however, that if a complete restoration of the STB’s factory
defaults is required, see “Restore All Factory Defaults” above.
Additional FTG Mode Options
There are two additional options for restoring Pass-through Mode/Installer Menu factory defaults on STBs
second enables you to restore multiple STBs to Pass-through Mode at one time. However, both options
lewithnodata.RefertotheFree-To-Guest (FTG) File Manager User Guide for further information.
• UsingaUSBmemorydevice,“Teach”a“ZeroMappedChannels”FTGConguration(.tlx)letothe
STB. Refer to “TeachingCongurationtoaTargetSTB”onpages44to47forfurtherinformationonthe
Teaching process.
• If your system uses a Pro:Centric server for remote management, use the Pro:Centric server Admin
the Pro:Centric Server Admin Client User Guide for further information.
Reference: Restoring Factory Defaults on the STB(s)