User Guide
use of headphones (including headsets, earbuds and
Bluetooth® or other wireless devices). Exposure to very
loud sound has also been associated in some studies
with tinnitus (a ringing in the ear), hypersensitivity to
sound and distorted hearing. Individual susceptibility to
noise-induced hearing loss and other potential hearing
problems varies. The amount of sound produced by a
portable audio device varies depending on the nature
of the sounds, the device, the device setting and the
headphones. You should follow some commonsense
recommendations when using any portable audio device:
• Setthevolumeinaquietenvironmentandselect
the lowest volume at which you can hear adequately.
• Whenusingheadphones,turnthevolumedownif
you cannot hear the people speaking near you or if
the person sitting next to you can hear what you are
listening to.
• Donotturnthevolumeuptoblockoutnoisy
surrounding. If you choose to listen to your portable
device in a noisy environment, use noise-cancelling
headphone to block out background environmental
• Limittheamountoftimeyoulisten.Asthevolume
increase, less time is required before your hearing
could be affected.
• Avoidusingheadphonesafterexposuretoextremely
loud noises, such as music concerts, that might
cause temporary hearing loss. Temporary hearing
loss might cause unsafe volumes to sound normal.
• Donotlistenatanyvolumethatcausesyou
discomfort. If you experience ringing in your ears,
hear muffled speech or experience any temporary
hearing difficulty after listening to your portable
audio device, discontinue use and consult your
Children’s Safety
This device is packaged with small parts that can, if
swallowed by children, cause asphyxiation or suffocation
resulting in serious injury or death. This device also
contains an internal battery that can be hazardous if
the device is not used or maintained properly. Keep this
device and its accessories away from small children.
Proper Device Disposal
This device and its battery should be recycled to avoid
harm to the environment. Disposal of your device and
the battery inside should be in accordance with all
applicable laws. It may be prohibited by law to dispose
of this device and its battery with your household trash.
Never dispose of your battery in a fire or with other
hazardous or flammable materials.
FCC Radio Frequency (RF) Information
WARNING! Read this information before operating
the device.
In August 1996, the Federal Communications
Commission (FCC) of the United States, with its action
in Report and Order FCC 96-326, adopted an updated
safety standard for human exposure to Radio Frequency
(RF) electromagnetic energy emitted by FCC regulated
transmitters. Those guidelines are consistent with
the safety standard previously set by both U.S. and
international standards bodies. The design of this device
complies with the FCC guidelines and these international