O Display Position is
0 On the screen
background, vertical
bars or stripes are
0 Any horizontalnoise
appearing in any
image or characters
are not clearly
• PresstheAUTO/SETbuttontoautomatically
adjustyour displayimagetotheidealsetting.
Ifthe resultsare unsatisfactory,adjustthe image
positionusingthe H position and V position icon
inthe on screendisplay.
• PresstheAUTO/SETbuttontoautomatically
adjustyour displayimageto theidealsetting.
Ifthe resultsare unsatisfactory,decreasethe
verticalbars or stripesusingthe CLOCK iconin
the onscreendisplay.
• PresstheAUTO/SETbuttontoautomatically
adjustyour displayimageto theidealsetting.
Ifthe resultsare unsatisfactory,decreasethe
horizontalbars usingthe PHASEiconin the on
• CheckControl Panel--> Display --> Settings
and adjustthe displayto the recommended
resolutionor adjustthe displayimageto the ideal
setting.Setthe color settinghigherthan 24 bits