User Manual
Hipulse - Single Phase ā1+Nā UPS System 130 kVA - 110V
9.5 UPS Electrical Characteristics (DC Intermediate Circuit)
D. C. I N T E R M E D I A T E C I R C U I T
Rated Power kVA 130
Voltage range for Inverter operation
Vdc 340 ā 480
Recommended number of
- Lead-acid cells j-k
- Ni-Cd cells j-k
190 (380 Vac)
198 (400 Vac)
204 (415 Vac)
320 (454.4 Vac)
Recommended float charge voltage
2.25 V/cell (Lead Acid) j
1.42 V/cell (Ni-Cd) j
Vdc 432 (380 Vac)
446 (400 Vac)
459 (415 Vac)
454.4 Vac
Recommended boost charge voltage
2.40 V/cell (Lead Acid) j
1.55 V/cell (Ni-Cd) j
Vdc 460 (380 Vac)
475 (400 Vac)
490 (415 Vac)
480 Vac
Recommended end of discharge voltage
1.67 V/cell (Lead Acid) j
1.1 V/cell (Ni-Cd) j
Vdc 320 (380 Vac)
330 (400 Vac)
340 (415 Vac)
340 Vac
Recommended test voltage
for Lead Acid j
for Ni-Cd j
Vdc 365 (380 Vac)
376 (400 Vac)
388 (415 Vac)
384 Vac
Battery boost charge cycle l
Characteristics to DIN 41772I-U, boost to floating charge
switching, with current measuring criterion plus control of
charging time.
Maximum boost charge duration l
Boost-float threshold current l
Ripple voltage superimposed m
j = (According to rated voltage)
k = Factory set for rated 400V, different cells number and voltage per cell may be set by software and / or
trimmers on Rectifier control board.
l = Set by software
m = Battery disconnected, RMS percentage value referred to DC voltage.