1050 Dearborn Drive Columbus, OH 43229 614-888-0246
Technical Support
Outside the U.S.A ..........................................614-841-6755
U.K................................................................ +44 (0) 1793 553355
France ...........................................................+33 1 4 87 51 52
Germany ...................................................... +49 89 99 19 220
Italy .............................................................. +39 2 98250 1
Netherlands.................................................. +00 31 475 503333
Internet.......................................................... upstech@liebert.com
Web site ....................................................… http://www.liebert.com
Worldwide FAX tech support......................…614-841-5471
The Company Behind The ProductsWith more than
500,000 installations around the globe, Liebert is the
world leader in computer protection systems. Since its
founding in 1965, Liebert has developed a complete
range of support and protection systems for sensitive
§ Environmental systems: close-control air
conditioning from 1.5 to 60 tons.
§ Power conditioning and UPS with power ranges
from 250 VA to more than 1000 kVA.
§ Integrated systems that provide both
environmental and power protection in a single,
flexible package.
§ Monitoring and control — on-site or remote —
from systems of any size or location.
§ Service and support, through more than 100
service centers around the world, and a 24-hour
Customer Response Center.
1000-3000 VA
UPStation® GX
While every precaution has been
taken to ensure Corporation assumes
no responsibility, and disclaims all
liability for damages resulting from use
of this information or for any errors or
Liebert Corporation All rights
served throughout the world.
Specifications subject to change
without notice.
® Liebert and the Liebert logo are
registered trademarks of Liebert
Corporation. All names referred to are
trademarks or registered trademarks
of their respective owners.