Booster Operation
8 TCM-39032
present, the TEC Interlock Error condition / event will be reported in the TEC
Event Status REgister and the TEC Condition Status Register.
This circuit is useful for remote monitoring of temperature, and therefore is labeled
TEMP LIMIT on the back panel connector. This interlock is intended for use with
an external current booster. A switch or control circuit of the user’s own design is
required. It is left as an option which the user may or may not employ.
Booster Operation
The TCM-39032 may be used to control a booster current source which accepts a
control signal of up to +10.0 volts. A booster current source may be required if the
TCM-39032's +
4 A, 32 W output is not adequate to control a thermal load.
Whenever a connection is present between the BOOSTER PRESENT (pin 14)
and DIGITAL GROUND (pin 15) of the back panel TEC Input/Output connector,
the BOOST CONTROL signal voltage will be available for controlling a booster
TEC current source.
The Booster Enabled condition is reported in the TEC Condition Status register.
When the GPIB option is implemented, this condition may be used to trigger a
service request.
The booster current source should use the control voltage which is available
between the BOOST CONTROL (pin 10) and AGND (pin 9) of the back panel
TEC connector.
When the BOOSTER PRESENT signal is connected to DIGITAL GROUND, the
LIM I value may be increased above the normal operation maximum of 4.0 Amps,
to a maximum of 10.0 Amps. This is permitted for operation with a booster current
source so that the CONTROL SIGNAL voltage may be +
10.0 volts. The
CONTROL SIGNAL voltage is linearly proportional to the control current, which is
limited by the LIM I parameter.
Whether or not a booster current source is used, the TCM-39032 uses a sensor
for controlling the temperature. The feedback loop GAIN may require adjustment
when a booster current source is used. This is because a booster current source
may be used with different thermal loads than those found with normal TCM-
39032 operation, and those loads may require larger or smaller GAIN values in
order to settle to the set temperatures in a desirable fashion. See the LDC-3900
Instruction Manual for setting the GAIN value.
During operation, if the status of the connection between the BOOSTER
PRESENT and DIGITAL GROUND changes, this event will be reported in the
TEC Event Status Register. When the GPIB option is implemented, this event may
be used to trigger a service request.