Observe all Safety Guidelines detailed throughout this manual
If for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs safely, contact your
Local Lincoln Authorized Field Service Facility for technical troubleshooting assistance before you proceed.
Error Code #
81 Motor Overload
82 Motor Overcurrent
83 Shutdown #1
84 Shutdown #2
Long term average motor current limit has been exceeded. Typically
indicates mechanical overload of system. If problem continues consider
higher gear ratio.
Absolute maximum motor current level has been exceeded. This is a
short term average to protect drive circuitry.
The normally closed circuit of Shutdown #1 has been interrupted.
Check the connection between pins 9 and 10 on the External I/O con-
nector (S7).
The normally closed circuit of Shutdown #2 has been interrupted.
Check the connection between pins 9 and 11 on the External I/O con-
nector (S7).
Error Code #
118 DeviceNet connection error
119 DeviceNet de-allocation error
133 Write ArcLink action failure
145 Duplicate MAC ID error
146 DeviceNet Bus off
147 DeviceNet polled I/O error
149 DeviceNet I/O data error
169 Ethernet Connection Time out
171 Ethernet Socket Time out
172 Ethernet Watch Dog Time out
194 Ethernet Send Problem
195 Ethernet Problem
197 Ethernet Problem
198 Ethernet Client Time out
216 Ethernet Problem
224 Ethernet Problem
226 Ethernet Problem
Lost Connection with DeviceNet Master
The DeviceNet Master de-allocated the connection
May be caused by activating Cold Inch while welding through
Check MAC ID assignments on DeviceNet Setup Dip switch Bank (S2)
Check condition of on board DeviceNet Status indicators
Problem changing attribute over polled I/O
Received DeviceNet I/O data with wrong number of bytes
Loss of communication with PC Application.
Communication problem between Master and Slave machines.
Master lost communications with Slave Machine.
Communication problem between Master and Slave machines.
Master had problem connecting to a Slave machine.
Communication problem between Master and Slave machines.