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Observe all Safety Guidelines detailed throughout this manual
If for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs safely, contact your @42=
:?4@=?FE9@C:K65:6=5'6CG:4624:=:EJ for technical troubleshooting assistance before you proceed.
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Drive rolls turn, but wire will not feed
or wire feeding is rough.
Variable or “hunting” arc.
1. Gun cable kinked and/or twisted.
2. Wire jammed in gun and cable.
3. Incorrect drive rolls and guide
4. Gun cable liner dirty.
5. Worn drive rolls.
6. Electrode rusty and/or dirty.
7. Worn or improper size cable liner.
8. Partially flashed, melted or
improper size contact tip.
1. Contact tip worn or incorrect size.
2. Worn or undersize work cables or
poor ground connections.
3. Loose electrode connections.
1. Keep as straight as possible.
Inspect cable and replace if nec-
2. Remove wire from gun and cable
– feed in new wire. Note any
obstruction. Replace liner if nec-
3. Be sure the wire diameter being
used is stamped on drive rolls and
guide tubes. Replace if neces-
4. Clean liner or replace.
5. Replace or reverse split drive roll
6. Replace the electrode if it is rusty.
7. Replace cable liner.
8. Replace the contact tip.
1. Replace contact tip.
2. Inspect – repair or replace as nec-
3. Be sure the following connections
are tight: electrode cable to wire
feeder and power source, work
cable to power source and work,
gun cable to wire feeder contact
block, gun nozzle to body and
contact tip to nozzle.