Electrode AWS Recommended General Page
Name Class Polarity Description No.
Pipeliner 6P+ E6010 DC+ Pipeliner 6P+ is an all-position cellulosic pipe electrode 8
designed especially for vertical down root pass welding.
his electrode is based on a long-time favorite among
cross-country pipeline welders.
Pipeliner 8P+ E8010-P1 DC+ Here’s an electrode that makes short work of even the most 9
challenging high silicon pipe applications! Pipeliner 8P+ is an
outstanding choice for API 5L-X56 through X70 grade pipe. This
electrode features high stacking efficiency – formulated to carry and
deposit weld metal in difficult vertical down out-of-position
Pipeliner 16P E7016 H4 DC+ We designed this quality electrode for optimum performance 10
AC for vertical up welding of pipe up to API 5L-X65 – especially
where a low hydrogen deposit is desired. Obtain Charpy
V-Notch impact values down to temperatures of -20°F (-29°C).
Pipeliner 18P E8018-G H4 DC+ A real workhorse for vertical up welding jobs up to X80 pipe! 11
AC Lincoln 18P offers low temperature impact properties down to
-50°F (-46°C).
Cellulosic All Position Stick (SMAW) Electrodes
Low Hydrogen Stick (SMAW) Electrodes