Observe all Safety Guidelines detailed throughout this manual
Errors are displayed on the user interface. In addition, there are status lights on the control pc board and the
switch pc board that contain error sequences.
Included in this section is information about the Status Lights and some basic troubleshooting charts for both
machine and weld performance.
The status lights on the main control board and the switch pc board are dual-color LED’s. Normal operation for
each is steady green.
Primary Over Current
Capacitor over-or-under volt-
Communication error between
P.C. boards or P.C. board
Input Power Misconnect
Supply Voltage is too high.
Input Power Misconnect
Supply Voltage is too low.
Supply Voltage to the switch
Printed Circuit Board is too
Check the input power (voltage and fre-
quency). Verify the primary reconnect is
properly configured for the input voltage.
If condition persists contact an authorized
Field Service Shop.
Check input power (voltage and frequency)
while welding. Verify the primary reconnect
is properly configured for the input voltage.
Re-trigger to recover from error.
If condition persists contact an authorized
Field Service Shop.
Verify the primary reconnect is properly
configured for the input voltage.
If condition persists contact an authorized
Field Service Shop.
If condition persists contact an authorized
Field Service Shop.
Machine needs to be turned
off and back on to reset.
Machine needs to be turned
off and back on to reset.
Weld Terminals Remote:
Re-trigger to recover from
Weld Terminals Local:
Toggle Remote/Local Switch
to recover from error.
Machine needs to be turned
off and back on to reset.
Machine needs to be turned
off and back on to reset.
Corrective Action
If for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs safely, contact your
!?31<ED8?B9J5495<4(5BF935139<9DI for technical troubleshooting assistance before you proceed.