Tandem MIG
The future of welding is here.
High-Speed and High-Deposition Welding
Using Tandem MIG
Understanding Operating Variables
Shielding Gas
The lead and trail shielding gas should be of the same mixture and supplied through separate flow regulators. Gas
flow per electrode should be a minimum of 40-cfh each. High deposition procedures may require flow rates as
high as 70 cfh per electrode. High deposition multi-pass applications may require that a trailing gas is applied to
eliminate nitrogen pick-up. The Tandem MIG process requires a binary gas mixture capable of supporting a spray
transfer. Argon/Carbon dioxide or Argon/ Oxygen are the preferred mixtures.
1. 90/10%, Ar/CO
is preferred for most welding applications.
2. 82-95% argon with a Ar/C0
binary mixture is a useable range, The higher CO
% will promote added
penetration but may produce added spatter. The lower CO
% will produce less spatter.
3. 95/5%, Ar/O
is recommended for high speed welding of thin gage material under 3mm. The
mixture will provide improved wetting at bead edges and reduced tendency to erode away
edges of lap welds.
Work Lead Connection
Tandem MIG welding should be performed welding in the direction from the work lead connection. Welding
towards the work lead connection may cause a convex weld bead and undercut.
Joint Selection
The Tandem MIG process is ideal for many joint configurations. A joint application rating is as follows:
1. Lap welds in the flat, horizontal, 3 o'clock position.
2. Fillet welds in the flat and horizontal positions.
3. Joggle welds in the flat position.
4. Beveled butt welds in flat position.
5. "J" Groove welds.
6. Rotated roundabouts, lap and joggle welds.
1. Beveled butt welds in horizontal position.
2. Horizontal flare joint.
1. Seamer applications.
2. Joints known to be subject to arc blow.
3. Weld joints that have multiple or severe turns in direction or contour.
4. Thin gage square edge butt welds.