The AIR VANTAGE® 500 (AU) is equipped with the
required R.F. bypass circuitry for the connection of
high frequency generating equipment.
The AIR VANTAGE® 500 (AU) and any high frequen-
cy generating equipment must be properly grounded.
See the K930-2 TIG Module operating manuals for
complete instructions on installation, operation, and
When using the TIG Module, the OUTPUT control on
the AIR VANTAGE® 500 (AU) is used to set the maxi-
mum range of the CURRENT CONTROL on the TIG
Module or an Amptrol if connected to the TIG Module.
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• Set the WELD MODE switch to the “Touch Start Tig 20-
250 Setting”.
• Set the IDLER switch to the “AUTO” position.
• Set the WELDING TERMINALS switch to the “Remotely
Controlled” position. This will keep the solid state contactor
open and provide a “cold” electrode until the triggering
device (Amptrol or Arc Start Switch) is presse
Duty Cycle is the percentage of time the load is being
applied in a 10 minute period. For example a 60% duty
cycle, represents 6 minutes of load and 4 minutes of no
load in a 10 minute period.
The AIR VANTAGE® 500 (AU) can be used with a broad
range of DC stick electrodes. The MODE switch provides
two stick welding settings as follows:
The CC-STICK position of the MODE switch is
designed for horizontal, vertical-up and over head
welding with all types of electrodes, especially low
hydrogen. The OUTPUT CONTROL knob adjusts the
full output range for stick welding.
The ARC CONTROL knob sets the short circuit (arc-
force) current during stick welding. Increasing the
number from -10(Soft) to +10(Crisp) increases the
short circuit current and prevents sticking of the elec-
trode to the plate while welding. This can also
increase spatter. It is recommended that the ARC
CONTROL be set to the minimum number without
electrode sticking. Start with the knob set at 0.
The AIR VANTAGE® 500 (AU) can be used in a wide
variety of DC TIG welding applications.
The TOUCH START TIG setting of the MODE switch
is for DC TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas) welding. To initiate
a weld, the OUTPUT CONTROL knob is first set to
the desired current and the tungsten is touched to the
work. During the time the tungsten is touching the
work there is very little voltage or current and, in gen-
eral, avoids tungsten contamination. Then, the tung-
sten is gently lifted off the work in a rocking motion,
which establishes the arc.
To stop the arc, simply lift the TIG torch away from the
work piece. When the arc voltage reaches approxi-
mately 30 volts, the arc will go out and the machine
will automatically reset to the touch start current level.
The tungsten may then be retouched to the work
piece to restrike the arc. The arc may also be started
and stopped with an Amptrol or Arc Start Switch.
The ARC CONTROL is not active in the TIG mode.
In general the ‘Touch Start’ feature avoids tungsten
contamination without the use of a Hi-frequency unit.
If the use of a high frequency generator is desired, the
K930-2 TIG Module can be used with the AIR VAN-
TAGE® 500 (AU). The settings are for reference.