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• Only qualified personnel should
perform this maintenance.
• Turn the input power OFF at the
disconnect switch or fuse box
before working on this
• Do not touch electrically hot
To avoid receiving a high frequency shock, keep the
TIG torch and cables in good condition.
1. Disconnect power supply lines to machine before
performing periodic maintenance.
2. Periodically clean the inside of the machine with a
low pressure air system. Be sure to clean the
following components thoroughly. See Figure 6
for location of those components.
• Main Transformer
• Output Studs
• Polarity Switch
• Rectifier Assembly
• Control Box Assembly
• Spark Gap Assembly
• Protection PC Board -
(Mounted to rear of control box assembly)
3. Inspect welder output and control cables for
fraying, cuts, and bare spots.
4. Keep TIG torch and cables in good condition.
5. The fan motor has sealed ball bearings which
require no maintenance.
6. Inspect spark gap spacing at regular intervals to
maintain a 0.015 in (0.4mm) gap. (Smallest
possible air gap consistent with good welding is
desirable to minimize R.F.I. problems.) Dressing
or any refinishing of the spark gap contacts is not
recommended. If the contact surfaces become
irregular or completely eroded, replacement of both
electrodes is recommended.
Safety Precautions
Routine and Periodic Maintenance