S1 DIP Switch Bank on Control Box Motherboard (For software version S24456)
Switch Off On
Standard speed gearbox limits adjustable
High speed gearbox limits adjustable
2 WFS Display = inches/minute WFS Display = meters/minute
3 Left Display is always preset WFS Left Display is preset WFS when weld current is not flowing
Left Display is actual weld current when weld current is flowing
CC modes override this switch regardless of position. Left Display is always preset weld cur-
rent when weld current is not flowing and actual weld current when weld current is flowing
4 Run-in = Minimum Speed Available Run-in = weld WFS
If any option containing a Run-in setting is connected to the motherboard, it automatically
overrides this switch regardless of position.
5 Memory change with trigger disabled Memory change with trigger enabled
6 Acceleration, MSB (Sets acceleration rate for wire drive) see below
7 Acceleration (Sets acceleration rate for wire drive) see below
8 Acceleration, LSB (Sets acceleration rate for wire drive) see below
MSB - Most Significant Bit or Byte. This is the bit in a binary number or DIP switch bank that is furthest to the left.
LSB - Least Significant Bit or Byte. This is the bit in a binary number or DIP switch bank that is furthest to the right.
S2 DIP Switch Bank on Control Box Motherboard (For software version S24456)
Switch Off On
1 Network Group ID, MSB (Assigns Control Box to a specific group) (Off is factory setting)
2 Network Group ID, LSB (Assigns Control Box to a specific group ) (Off is factory setting)
3 4-Step Domestic Configuration 4-Step European Configuration
4 Power Feed 10 / Dual Power Feed 11
5 Procedure Change with Trigger “OFF” Procedure Change with Trigger “ON”
6 Set lower limits
7 Set upper limits
8 Must be on for all units (Permits selection of extended modes)
Note: the factory shipped settings for the S2 switches are as follows:
PF-10 (and Dual) Domestic - switches 1-7 “OFF”, 8 “ON” PF-10 (and Dual) European - switches 1,2,4-7 “OFF”, 3,8 “ON”
PF-11 Domestic - switches 1-3,5-7 “OFF”, 4,8 “ON” PF-11 European - switches 1,2,5-7 “OFF”, 3,4,8 “ON”
Note: the factory shipped settings for the S1 switches are as follows:
PF-10 (and Dual) Domestic - All switches “OFF” PF-10 (and Dual) European - switches 1 & 3-8 “OFF”, 2 “ON”
PF-11 Domestic - switches 2-8 “OFF”, 1 “ON” PF-11 European - switches 3-8 “OFF”, 1,2 “ON”