K1758 Input Cable Assembly
See “Electrical Installation” for instructions.
Dual Procedure Switch Options
K683-1 Dual Procedure Switch - Requires K686-2
Adapter for STT-10. Kit includes gun switch, and
mountings for Lincoln Innershield and Magnum guns,
with 15 ft. (4.5 m) control cable and 3-pin plug. K686-
2 Adapter permits 3-pin plug and 5-pin gun trigger
plug to be connected to STT-10 5-pin Trigger/Dual
Procedure receptacle.
Connect the 5-pin plug of the K686-2 Adapter to the
STT-10 Wire Feeder Trigger/Dual Procedure 5-socket
The 3-pin plug of the K683-1 Dual Procedure switch
connects to the 3-socket receptacle of the Adapter,
and the 5-pin plug of the welding gun connects to the
5-socket receptacle of the Adapter.
K683-3 Dual Procedure Switch - Kit includes gun
switch, and mountings for Lincoln Innershield and
Magnum guns, with 15 ft. (4.5m) control cable and 5-
pin plug with two leads to connect to gun trigger.
Connect the 5-pin plug of the K683-3 Dual procedure
Switch to the STT-10 Wire Feeder Trigger/Dual
Procedure 5-socket receptacle.
The two lead plug cord extending out of the 5-pin plug
of the Dual Procedure switch is to be connected to the
two trigger leads of the welding gun per the instruc-
tions shipped with the kit.
K659-1 Gas Guard Regulator - Adjustable flow regula-
tor with removable adjustor key for CO2 and Argon
blend gases. Mounts onto feeder inlet, and reduces
gas waste and arc start “blow” by reducing surge
caused by excess pressure in supply hose.
Install the 5/8-18 male outlet of the regulator to one, or
both of the 5/8-18 female gas inlets on the back panel
of the wire drive. Secure fitting with flow adjuster key
at top. Attach gas supply to 5/8-18 female inlet of reg-
ulator per “GMAW Shielding Gas” section.
K1561-1 Robotics Interface Module - The module
plugs directly into the STT-10 control board and pro-
vides an interface to a properly equipped Fanuc robot.
(ArcTool software and an additional process I/O board
are needed).
When installed and properly configured, the K1561-1
Robotics Interface Module allows complete control of
the welding process from the robot controller.
The Lincoln Electric Companyʼs Automation Center
should be contacted for questions regarding installa-
tion or operation of the Robotics Interface Module.
All other options, see ACCESSORIES section, are
shipped with installation instructions.
K1558-1 Remote Switch Interface Module - The
Module plugs directly into the SST-10 Control Board
and provides for user interface connection of an exter-
nal switch (flow switch, etc.) which must be closed to
enable the feeder welding operation. Also, the Module
provides for interface connection of external equip-
ment (fume extractor, etc.) to the Moduleʼs isolated
relay contacts (rated for 125VAC, 1 amp externally
supplied loads) which actuate when the feeder weld-
ing gas solenoid is activated (representing welding
operation in process).
Installation and operation instructions are included
with the kit.
The modular design of these feeders allows them to
be converted from bench to boom models or vise
versa. Some additional parts are required to make this
Materials Required for bench to boom
S13100-197 Plug and Lead assembly, allows a con-
trol cable to connect from control box to the wire drive.
G2868 Mounting Bracket, allows reed switch to be
relocated to control box.
K1567-“L” head to control cables are needed to con-
nect between the control box and the wire drive.
Materials Required for boom to bench
L10286-1 Wire Reel Stand, for LN-10 or STT-10,
mount the reed switch onto the reel stand.
S22777 Control Box Support Bracket, to mount the
control box onto the wire drive.
S13100-198 Plug and Lead Assembly, electrical con-
nection between control box and wire drive.