3. Close the Adaptive Loop / Adjust the Peak Voltage
a. If the adaptive stickout window is not open, click on the button to open the
window. Select the adaptive option to close the adaptive loop. Verify that the adaptive
button lights up.
NOTE: When on-line with the adaptive loop closed, the wave shape parameters will be adapted
(change) to maintain constant arc length. Adjusting one parameter in Wave Designer
often forces the adaptive feature to modify other wave shape parameters. The adaptive
nature of the program may be noticed when editing the parameters; changing one
parameter value causes other parameter values to change in response. We recommend
not changing pulse variables in the adaptive mode.
b. While the adaptive loop is closed, the peak voltage value displayed in the adaptive stickout
window is adjustable. While welding a trial bead, adjust the peak voltage for an optimal arc
c. If desired, adjust the inductance value to achieve the desired weld pinch. If the inductance
value is set too high, it will limit the rate of current change and may limit the ramp-up rate
and tailout speed.
4. Select an Adaptive Type (Optional)
a. Click on the button on the Waveform Editor screen to view the Adapting Stickout
screen. Click on the arrow in the adaptive type box to display the adaptive types listing.
b. Select each adaptive type in-turn and perform a trial weld. After performing a trial weld for
each adaptive type, select the adaptive type best suited to the wire feed speed. A brief
summary of the adaptive type characteristics is presented in Table A-1.
Appendix A A-9
Adaptive Type *Characteristics
Sandia Stepoff and background
30%, frequency 45%
lower wire feed speeds and where consistent
pulse values for droplet detachment are
Peak current 10%, stepoff
and background 30%,
frequency 45%
intermediate wire feed speeds
Peak current 20%, stepoff
and background 10%,
frequency 30%
high wire feed speeds; peak current is the
controlling variable
Peak current and time 10%,
stepoff and background
10%, frequency 30%
where highest range of peak adaptive control
is required
Frequency 60%
typical for most pulse GMAW welding
*Each adaptive type specifies which parameters are being adapted and the sensitivity of adaptiveness for
each parameter. For example, Mora type adapts only one parameter — frequency — at a sensitivity level
of 60%. In developing waveforms, try each adaptive type to determine the most desired result.