K1542-12 MSP2 PANEL AND K1542-
The MSP2 or MS/STT Panel provides a selection of
numerous process specific and generic Power Source
modes. In addition, it provides for the adjustment of
the following parameters: preflow, run in, arc control,
Burn back, postflow, and spot time. Only one parame-
ter, as defined by the parameter indicator, may be dis-
played and adjusted at a time.
The installation and operation of the MS/STT panel is
identical to the MSP2 panel. The difference is that the
MS/STT selects STT procedures and is only function-
al when used with a Power Wave 455 STT Power
Indicator Lights - Extra bright red LEDʼs for viewing at
almost any angle. Always indicate the active parame-
ter being displayed.
Display - Extra bright, 3 1/2 digit, .56” (14.2 mm) char-
acter height, red LED display for viewing at almost
any angle. Displays the value or status of the active
Parameter Ranges
WELD MODE - Adjustable per mode schedule.
PREFLOW - 0.0 to 2.5 seconds (0.1 sec. increments).
RUN IN - Low Range: 50 to 150 IPM (1.25 to 3.80 MPM).
- High Range: 75 to 150 IPM (2.00 to 3.80 MPM).
ARC CONTROL - Trim (-10.0) to (+10.0) , (0) is nominal.
BURN BACK - 0.0 to 0.25 sec. (0.01 sec. increments).
POSTFLOW - 0.0 to 2.5 sec. (0.1 sec. increments).
CRATER - ON or OFF (Functions in 4 step trigger
mode only).
Mode Schedule - Table on the front of the option
used by the operator to correlate the displayed mode
number to an actual Power Source mode.
Due to the nature of the system, the following feature
is required for safety reasons. Upon entering any con-
stant current (CC) mode, the right encoder, labeled
“Volts, Trim”, on the Display/Control Panel acts as a
“soft” contactor switch. The encoder knob must be
turned CW at least 45° to activate the output (turning
CCW 45° deactivates the output). This prevents the
output from inadvertently becoming “hot” when
scrolling through the weld modes. The exception to
this rule is when the weld mode is entered by a
change in procedure (using a memory panel such as
the K1542-9 Memory/Dual Procedure panel). In this
case, the state of the contactor is recalled as it was
left when the procedure was exited.
In the CC modes, the output current is set by the
Amps control, and the Volts/Trim adjustment has no
effect in this mode. In this mode, the Arc Control
adjusts the arc force. Increasing the Arc Control set-
ting increases the arc force, making the arc more
harsh but less likely to stick. Decreasing the Arc
Control setting decreases the arc force, making the
arc softer and smoother.
Parameter Selection
The PARAMETER SELECT switch is a momentary
large bat three position toggle switch that defaults to
the center (off) position. Moving the switch bat up
advances the parameter indicator in the upward direc-
tion, down advances it in the downward direction.
Holding the switch in either direction will result in the
indicator advancing at a high rate of speed in that
direction, until the switch is released. When the indica-
tor reaches its upper or lower limit, advancing ceases
until the direction of the switch is changed.
Parameter Adjustment
The value of the active parameter, as defined by the
parameter indicator, is displayed on the parameter
display. The PARAMETER SET switch is a momen-
tary large bat three position toggle switch that defaults
to the center (off) position. Moving the switch bat up
advances the displayed value in the positive direction,
down advances it in the negative direction. Holding
the switch in either direction will result in the displayed
value advancing at a high rate of speed in that direc-
tion, until the switch is released. When the indicator
reaches its upper or lower limit, advancing ceases
until the direction of the switch is changed.
GMAW Pulse Procedures
In these procedures, the actual voltage greatly
depends on the waveform used. The peak currents,
background currents, rise times, fall times, and pulse
times all affect the actual voltage. The actual voltage
for a given wire feed speed is not directly predictable
unless the waveform is known. In this case, it is not
practical to preset an actual voltage for the procedure.
Instead, an arc length adjustment is provided. The
machine “knows” what the best arc length is at the
given wire feed speed but allows the operator to
change it.
The arc length trim (usually referred to simply as
“trim”) can be adjusted between 0.500 and 1.500 on
the Control Boxʼs Volts/Trim display. An Trim of 1.000
means that no adjustments will be made to the preset
arc lengths. A Trim setting less than 1.000 decreases
the preset arc lengths. The arc length trim adjustment
is factored in at all wire feed speed settings.
Increasing the Trim by 10 percent at a given wire feed
speed also increases all the other arc length trim set-