There are no factory installed options available for the
Power Wave 455R.
• Gas Guard Regulator (K659-1)
The Gas Guard regulator is available as an optional
accessory for the Power Feed Robotic wire drive
unit. Install the 5/8-18 male outlet on the regulator
to the proper 5/8-18 female gas inlet on the back
panel of the wire drive. Secure fitting with flow
adjuster key at top.
* Voltage Sense Leads (K940-10, -25 or -50)
The voltage sense leads connect at the front of the
machine. (See Section A-6)
• Power Wave Water Cooler (K1767-1)*
(See Section F-4 Connection Diagram)
The K1767-1 is the recommended water cooler for
the Power Waves. Incorporated into the cooler is an
automatic flow sensor to detect low coolant flow. In
the event of a low flow condition, a fault signal is
sent to the Power Wave and welding output auto-
matically stops to protect the torch.
The water coolers are designed to cool only one
welding gun and should be not used to cool multiple
guns or other devices.
Water cooler manufacturers often specify additives
to the coolant such as fungicides or alkalides. Follow
manufacturers recommendations to achieve proper
operation and long lifetimes without clogging.
* Water Flow Sensor (K1536-1)
Water cooled guns can be damaged very quickly if
they are used even momentarily without water flow-
ing. Recommend practice is to install a water flow
sensor such as on the water return line of the torch.
When fully integrated into the welding system, the
sensor will prevent welding if no water flow is pre-
• Dual Cylinder Undercarriage, K1570-1*
• Coaxial welding Cable, K1796
(See Section F-5 Connection Diagram)
*The Dual Cylinder Undercarriage, K1570-1 is not
compatible in combination with the Power Wave
Water Cooler K1767-1.