V350-PRO (CE)
Observe all Safety Guidelines detailed throughout this manual
If for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs safely, contact your
Local Lincoln Authorized Field Service Facility for technical troubleshooting assistance before you proceed.
Fault Codes
Code Description Corrective Action
31 Primary over current. If condition persists The machine needs to
contact an authorized be turned off and back
Lincoln Field Service
on to reset the machine.
32 CAP bank A under voltage. Check input power Self-clearing as
33 CAP bank B under voltage. reconnect to make sure condition ceases.
34 CAP bank A over voltage. the machine
35 CAP bank B over voltage. is connected for the input
37 Soft start Failed. power being supplied. Cycle power.
39 Glitch on the primary over Check the machine Self-clearing as
current fault interrupt; possibly ground. condition ceases.
caused by noise or a signal level If problem persists
(misc. hardware fault #1) contact an authorized
Lincoln Field Service
43 CAP delta; CAP A and B are out Check input power
of balance. reconnect to make sure
the machine is
connected for the input
power being supplied.
44 Main CPU problem. The DSP Check the machine
has detected a problem with the ground.
47 Glitch on the CAP/heart beat If problem persists
interrupt; possibly caused by contact an authorized
noise or a signal level right at Lincoln Field Service
the trip threshold. Shop
(misc. hardware fault #2)
48 The main contactor opened If condition persist Self-clearing
unexpectedly. (misc. hardware contact an authorized
fault #3) Lincoln Field Service
"bad The selected weld mode does If condition persists Press the Mode
node’ not exist in the weld table that is contact an authorized Select button to
presently loaded in the machine. Lincoln Field Service select a different
Shop mode