Observe all Safety Guidelines detailed throughout this manual
If for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs safely, contact your
Local Lincoln Authorized Field Service Facility for technical troubleshooting assistance before you proceed.
The following is a list of possible error codes that the PW-455 can output via the status light (see
"Troubleshooting the PowerWave / Power Feed System Using the Status LED").
Error Code #
11 CAN communication bus off.
12 User Interface time out error.
21 Un-programmed Weld Mode.
22 Empty Weld Table.
23 Weld Table checksum error.
31 Primary overcurrent error.
32 Capacitor "A" under voltage
(Left side facing machine)
33 Capacitor "B" under voltage
(Right side facing machine)
34 Capacitor "A" over voltage
(Left side facing machine)
35 Capacitor "B" over voltage
(Right side facing machine)
36 Thermal error
37 Soft start error
Probably due to excessive number of communication errors.
User Interface is no longer responding to the Power Source. The most
likely cause is a fault/bad connection in the communication leads or
control cable.
Contact the Service Department for instructions on reloading the
Welding Software.
Contact the Service Department for instructions on reloading the
Welding Software.
Contact the Service Department for instructions on reloading the
Welding Software.
Excessive Primary current present. May be related to a switch board or
output rectifier failure.
Low voltage on the main capacitors. May be caused by improper input
When accompanied by an overvoltage error on the same side, it indi-
cates no capacitor voltage present on that side, and is usually the result
of an open or short in the primary side of the machine.
Excess voltage on the main capacitors. May be caused by improper
input configuration.
When accompanied by an under voltage error on the same side, it indi-
cates no capacitor voltage present on that side, and is usually the result
of an open or short in the primary side of the machine.
Indicates over temperature. Usually accompanied by Thermal LED.
Check fan operation. Be sure process does not exceed duty cycle limit
of the machine.
Capacitor precharge failed. Usually accompanied by codes 32-35.