TIG mode
• The remote will default to the 6-pin MS-style if a
remote control is connected to the 6-pin MS-style
and to the 14-pin MS-style connectors. If a remote is
not connected to the 6-pin MS-style connector then
the remote will default to the 14-pin MS-style con-
nector if a remote is connected.
• If a remote control is connected to any of the
amphenols the WELD TERMINAL control will
default to REMOTE. If there are not any remote
control devices attached the WELD TERMINAL con-
trol will default to ON.
CC-Stick modes
• The remote will default to only the 6-pin amphenol if
a remote is connected to it.
• The WELD TERMINAL control will default to ON
with or without a remote connected.
Types of Remote OUTPUT CONTROL
• The Invertec
V350-PRO (CE)’s Output Control can
be controlled by either a potentiometer connected
between 77 & 75 with the wiper connected to 76 or
a 0V to 10V DC supply connected between 76 & 75.
(76 needs to be positive)
• 14-pin MS-style connector lead 75 is pin G, lead 76
is pin F and lead 77 is pin E.
• 6-pin MS-style connector lead 75 is pin C, lead 76 is
pin B and lead 77 is pin A.
Potentiometer Control
• The total resistance should be between 2000 ohms
(2K) and 10,000 ohms (10K)
• The machine output will be at minimum when lead
76 (wiper) is at the end of the potentiometer that is
connected to 75. The machine’s output will increase
as the wiper of the potentiometer is moved to the
end that is connected to 77. (Note: In TIG mode,
moving the lead 76 (wiper) to lead 77 would pro-
duce the current that has been set by the Invertec
V350-PRO (CE)’s front panel Output Control.)
• Remotes of this type offered by Lincoln Electric are
the K857, K812 and K870.
Voltage Control
• The supply should be an isolated supply. (Not refer-
enced to earth ground, any auxiliary power from the
V350-PRO (CE) or the welding output)
The supply should be capable of supplying at least 20mA.
• 0 volts supplied to 76 will set the Invertec
PRO (CE) to minimum output for the mode that has
been selected while 10 volts supplied to 76 will set
the Invertec
V350-PRO (CE) to the maximum out-
put for the mode. (Note: In TIG mode, 10 volts sup-
plied to lead 76 would produce the current that has
been set by the Invertec
V350-PRO (CE)’s front
panel Output Control.)
Types of Remote WELD TERMINAL Control
• The Invertec
V350-PRO (CE)’s Weld Terminals
can be controlled from each of the amphenol con-
nectors. The circuit has a nominal OCV of 15VDC
and requires a dry contact closure (less than 100
ohms) to activate the output of the Invertec
• 14 Pin Amphenols the Weld Terminals are controlled
from pins C (lead 2) and pin D (lead 4). Pin C is posi-
• 6 Pin Amphenol the Weld Terminals are controlled
from pin D (lead 2) and pin E (lead 4). In the 6-pin
amphenol pin D is positive.
• 42VAC and 24VAC power is available from the 14-
pin MS-style connector. These supplies are intend-
ed to supply power for auxiliary equipment like wire
• 42 VAC supply is rated at 5.5 amps and is protected
by a 10 amp breaker located by the amphenol.
• 24 VAC supply is rated at 5.5 amps and is protected
by a 10 amp breaker located by the amphenol.
• The V350-PRO (CE) is not recommended for
processes other than those listed.
• The V350-PRO (CE) can only be used with the rec-
ommended equipment and options.
Properly equipped, the Invertec
V350-PRO (CE)
supports GMAW, FCAW, SMAW, GTAW and CAC-
A processes for a variety of materials, including
mild steel, stainless steel, cored wires, and alu-