When using a constant current (formerly variable voltage)
power source, welding performance is im proved using arc
sensing wire feed speed (CC operation). In this wire feed
mode the wire speed increases if arc voltage increases,
and decreases if arc voltage de creases, but remains con-
stant at any specific voltage level.
The LN-15 permits accurate presetting of the desired
wire feed speed, for the desired arc voltage to be used,
by setting the Wire Feed Speed in the fol lowing manner
before welding:
a. Activate press and spin during power up and change
to the CC mode. See “Changing the CV/CC mode
or WFS units” in this Operation Section.
b. Referring to the graph located above the Mode switch
(also shown in Figure B.4):
1. Select the horizontal line representing the DE -
SIRED IN/MIN. for the welding procedure. (See
example arrow line for 375 in/min.)
2. Select the diagonal line representing the ARC
VOLTS to be used for the welding procedure. (See
example arrow line for 29 volts.)
3. Determine the vertical line representing the CC
WIRE SPEED SETTING where the above two lines
cross. (See example arrow line for 450.)
c. Adjust the WFS display to the value determined in
Step (3) above (450 for example used).
The wire will feed at the DESIRED IN/MIN speed when the welding
power source is set to the arc
voltage to be used for the weld
procedure (375 in/min. at 29V for example used).
The CC wire speed setting graph is shown in TABLE B.1, giving
the Wire Speed dial setting required for the DESIRED IN/MIN
and ARC VOLTS used for the welding procedures:
Arc Volts Used
In/Min 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34
50 109 97 88 80 73 67 63 58 55 51
60 131 117 105 95 88 81 75 70 66 62
70 153 136 123 111 102 94 88 82 77 72
80 175 156 140 127 117 108 100 93 88 82
90 197 175 158 143 131 121 113 105 98 93
100 219 194 175 159 146 135 125 117 109 103
110 241 214 193 175 160 148 138 128 120 113
120 263 233 210 191 175 162 150 140 131 124
130 284 253 228 207 190 175 163 152 142 134
140 306 272 245 223 204 188 175 163 153 144
150 328 292 263 239 219 202 188 175 164 154
160 350 311 280 255 233 215 200 187 175 165
170 372 331 298 270 248 229 213 198 186 175
180 394 350 315 286 263 242 225 210 197 185
190 416 369 333 302 277 256 238 222 208 196
200 438 389 350 318 292 269 250 233 219 206
210 459 408 368 334 306 283 263 245 230 216
220 481 428 385 350 321 296 275 257 241 226
230 503 447 403 366 335 310 288 268 252 237
240 525 467 420 382 350 323 300 280 263 247
250 547 486 438 398 365 337 313 292 273 257
260 569 506 455 414 379 350 325 303 284 268
270 591 525 473 430 394 365 338 315 295 278
280 613 544 490 445 408 377 350 327 306 288
290 634 564 508 461 423 390 363 338 317 299
300 656 583 525 477 438 404 375 350 328 309
310 678 603 543 493 452 417 388 362 339 319
320 700 622 560 509 467 431 400 373 350 329
330 642 578 525 481 444 413 385 361 340
340 661 595 541 496 458 425 397 372 350
350 681 613 557 510 471 438 408 383 360
360 700 630 572 526 484 450 420 394 370
380 666 604 554 512 472 444 416 392
400 700 636 584 538 500 466 438 412
420 668 612 566 526 490 460 432
440 700 642 592 550 514 482 452
460 670 620 576 536 504 472
480 700 646 600 560 526 494
500 674 626 584 546 514
520 700 650 606 568 536
540 676 630 590 556
560 700 654 612 576
580 676 634 598
600 700 656 618
620 678 638
640 700 658
660 680
680 700
CC Speed Setting =
Desired IPM
X 35
Arc Volts