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The Power Feed/Power Wave system delivers world
class arc performance for a wide variety of processes.
Using the foundation of Waveform Control
Technology™, each weld mode is precisely tuned to
meet exacting standards for low spatter, weld bead
profile and arc shape.
Customized welding software means even the most
difficult materials can by welded with the Power
Feed/Power Wave system. Copper, Nickel, Silicon
Bronze are just a few of the unusual alloys the Power
Feed system welds with ease when special software
is loaded.
Figure B.6 below shows a list of weld modes common
on many Power Wave power sources. This table is
found on the inside front panel door of the Power
Feed™ 10M Single Wire Feeder. The specific list of
available weld modes depends upon the power
source connected to the Power Feed™ 10M Single
Wire Feeder wire feeder.
CC - Stick Mode
CC - Gouge
CV - Non Synergic
CV - Synergic
CV - Pulse
CV - Pulse on Pulse
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