Observe all Safety Guidelines detailed throughout this manual
If for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs safely, contact your
"B64?"<A6B?AHG;BE<M87<8?7)8EI<6846<?<GL for technical troubleshooting assistance before you proceed.
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Tip seizes in diffuser.
Unit shuts off while welding or
attempting to weld, status light is
red/green alternating between colors
every second. Unit tries to recover
after 30 seconds and may repeat
Drive roll does not turn although arc
voltage is present, and solenoid is
on. Feed head and Control Box sta-
tus LEDs are both solid green.
No wire feed, solenoid, or arc volt-
age. Status LEDs are solid green.
No control of wire feed.
All status lights are solid green.
Preset WFS is adjustable on Control
Wire feed motor turns and solenoid
operates, but no arc voltage is pre-
sent. Status light is solid green on
Control Box.
1. Tip overheating due to prolonged
or excessive high current and/or
duty cycle welding.
Note: A light application of high tem-
perature antiseize lubricant
(such as Lincoln E2067
Graphite Grease) may be
applied to tip of threads.
1. Wire feed shut down circuit
maybe electrically open. (Leads
570 and 572 in wire feed head.
2. The wire drive motor may be
overloaded. Check for mechani-
cal restrictions in the wire feeding
1. Check for loose or broken leads
at the wire drive motor.
2. Defective wire feed motor or feed
head Printed Circuit (PC) board.
Note: With WFS set to max con-
trol board should supply 24 VDC
to motor (leads #550, #551).
1. Faulty gun trigger switch. The gun
trigger switch or circuit may be
faulty. Check or Replace.
1. Defective motor tach or control
PC board, or harness. Check for
loose or faulty connections on
motor tach. See Wiring Diagram.
1. Power source may be defective.
See Power Source LED Status
Light Chart.
2. Check for broken/Hi impedance
connection in weld circuit.
If all recommended possible areas of
misadjustment have been checked
and the problem persists, BAG46G