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and cable has been designed for use with Lincoln L-
50 and Super Arc L-56, solid steel wire electrodes for
the GMAW process and Lincoln Outershield
electrodes for the gas-shielded FCAW process. Refer
to the appropriate Lincoln Process and Procedure
Guidelines for the electrode used for information on
recommended electrical and visible stickouts.
a. Check that the welding power source is on and that
the shielding gas supply is set for the proper flow
b. Position electrode over joint. End of the electrode
should be slightly off the work.
c. Lower welding helmet, close gun trigger and begin
welding. Hold the gun so the contact tip to work
distance gives the correct electrical stickout as
required for the procedure being used.
d. To stop welding, release the gun trigger and then
pull the gun away from the work after the arc goes
out. Follow wire feeder instruction manual if using a
trigger interlock circuit.
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Wire feeding problems can be avoided by observing
the following gun handling procedures:
a. Do not kink or pull cable around sharp corners.
b. Keep the electrode cable as straight as possible
when welding or loading electrode through cable.
c. Do not allow dolly wheels or trucks to run over
d. Keep cable clean by following maintenance instruc-
e. Use only clean, rust-free electrode. The Lincoln
electrodes have proper surface lubrication.
f. Replace contact tip when the arc starts to become
unstable or the contact tip end is fused or
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** Feeder Kits installed on the gun at the factory.
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15 ft. .035 (0.9) KP2744-035
Lincoln “10 Series”
K2950-2-10-45 (4.5) .045 (1.2) KP2744-045 KP2746-1 KP2742-1-62R KP2773-2 KP44-3545-15 KP2924-60 K466-10
K2950-2 15 ft. .045 (1.2) KP2744-045 KP2746-1 KP2742-1-62R KP2773-2 KP2924-60