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F-49 F-49
9. Check all leads connected to the input
rectifier. Check for looseness or shorted
10. Using an analog type meter, perform the
resistance test Steps A through L accord-
ing to the Table F.1.
NOTE: If terminals AC1, AC2, and AC3 of
the input rectifier are not easily
accessible, use terminals T1, T2,
and T3, respectively, of main con-
tactor CR1 for the resistance mea-
surements. Similarly, if terminals
POS and NEG of the input rectifier
are not easily accessible, use ter-
minals POS and NEG of the recon-
nect switch for the resistance mea-
11. After the test is completed and the prob-
lem successfully repaired, reconnect the
negative leads to the reconnect switch.
Fasten the reconnect switch assembly
back into position on the machine.
NOTE: If input rectifier was shorted, other
components may be faulty.
Perform Field Effect Transistor/
Switch Board Test and check for
“leaky” or “shorted” capacitors.
12. Install the machine case sides and top.
13. Install the handle and the lift bail rubber
Step Place Place
(See + Lead - Lead
Note) Test for on . . . on . . . If . . . Then . . .
A 1K Ohms POS AC1 >1K Ohms Go to step B.
<100 Ohms Tested failed.
B 1K Ohms POS AC2 >1K Ohms Go to step C.
<100 Ohms Tested failed.
C 1K Ohms POS AC3 >1K Ohms Go to step D.
<100 Ohms Tested failed.
D 1K Ohms AC1 NEG >1K Ohms Go to step E.
<100 Ohms Tested failed.
E 1K Ohms AC2 NEG >1K Ohms Go to step F.
<100 Ohms Tested failed.
F 1K Ohms AC3 NEG >1K Ohms Go to step G.
<100 Ohms Tested failed.
G <100 Ohms AC1 POS <100 Ohms Go to step H.
>1K Ohms Test failed.
H <100 Ohms AC2 POS <100 Ohms Go to step I.
>1K Ohms Test failed.
I <100 Ohms AC3 POS <100 Ohms Go to step J.
>1K Ohms Test failed.
J <100 Ohms NEG AC1 <100 Ohms Go to step K.
>1K Ohms Test failed.
K <100 Ohms NEG AC2 <100 Ohms Go to step L.
>1K Ohms Test failed.
L <100 Ohms NEG AC3 <100 Ohms Input Rectifier OK
>1K Ohms Test failed.