Be sure that any electrical equipment plugged into the
generator AC power receptacles can withstand a
±10% voltage and a ±3% frequency variation.
The RANGER 10-LX generator is rated at 10,000 con-
tinuous watts. It provides both 115 volt and 230 volt
power. You can draw up to 87 amps total, but no more
than 20 amps (15 amps CSA) from each 115V recep-
tacle at once. Up to 43.5 amps can be drawn from the
single 230 volt receptacle.
The current rating of any plug used must be at least
equal to the current load being drawn from the recep-
tacle. Do not try to connect the receptacles in paral-
Electrical loads in watts are calculated by multiplying
the voltage rating of the load by the number of amps it
draws. (This information is given on the load device
nameplate.) For example, a device rated 115 volts, 2
amps will need 230 watts of power (115 x 2 = 230).
You can use Table B.5, GENERATOR POWER APPLI-
CATIONS, to determine the wattage requirements of
some common types of loads you can power with the
RANGER 10-LX. Be sure to read the notes at the bot-
tom of the table.
Powering Motors
You can start most 1.5 HP, single-phase electric
motors if there is no load on the motor or other load
connected to the RANGER 10-LX. After starting, the
motor may be run at full load. Larger motors (up to 2
HP) may be started and run as long as you don’t
exceed the current rating of the receptacle. This may
mean that only 230 volt motors of this size may be
Using Auxiliary Power and Welding at the
Same Time
It is possible to weld and use the RANGER 10-LX for
auxiliary power at the same time. However, the size of
the loads you can power is reduced when you weld.
See Table B.4 in this section of the manual for a list of
permissible simultaneous welding and load ratings.
The table assumes that power is being drawn from
either a 115 volt or the 230 volt receptacle, but not
both at the same time.
NOTE: For simultaneous welding and power, set the
OUTPUT CONTROL at “10” for maximum auxiliary
power. At settings below “10,” only incandescent
loads should be connected to the auxiliary recepta-
To use the generator as an auxiliary power supply:
1. Start the engine. See Engine Operation in this
section of the manual.
2. Set the IDLER CONTROL to the desired operating
mode, HIGH or AUTO. Set the OUTPUT CON-
TROL to “10.” See Figure B.1.
3. Plug the load(s) into the appropriate 115 volt or
230 volt power receptacle.
NOTE: The 115 volt auxillary power receptacles
should only be used with three-wire grounded
type plugs or approved double insulated
devices with two-wire plugs.
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