Two thermostats protect the DC-1000 from exces-
sive operating temperatures. Excessive operating
temperatures may be caused by a lack of cooling air
or operating the machine beyond the duty cycle and
output rating. If excessive operating temperature
should occur, the thermostat(s) will deactivate the
input contactor, turning the machine off. The input
contactor will remain open until the machine cools.
The machine can then be restarted by operating the
start push button.
Upon restart, if the fan does not turn or the air intake
louvers are obstructed, then the input power must
be removed and the fan problem or air obstruction
be corrected.
The DC-1000 is also protected against high current
overloads. This electronic protection circuit senses
an overload on the power source and opens the
input contactor should the overload remain for a
predetermined time. If the overload is great the
machine will shut down immediately. The input con-
tactor will remain open until the start push button is
The Remote Control circuit is also protected from
“grounds” or voltage intrusions. If the #73, #74, #75,
#76 or #77 leads come in contact with either of the
machine’s output cables, the DC-1000 will only
operate at a minimum output or the input contactor
will open.
FIGURE E.4 - Protection Devices and Circuits (Contactor Hold-In)
NOTE: Unshaded areas of block logic diagrams are the subject of discussion.
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