This welder is supplied with an adjustable rain cap for
the muffler. Install the rain cap using the clamp provid-
ed with the outlet facing away from the direction in
which this unit will be transported. This will minimize
the amount of water and debris that could enter the
muffler during transportation.
Diesel engine mufflers may emit sparks when the
engine is running. Some federal, state, or local laws
require spark arresters in locations where unarrested
sparks could present a fire hazard.
Standard mufflers (like the one included with the
Classic II) do not act as spark arresters. When local
laws require it, a spark arrester must be installed on the
machine and properly maintained. An optional spark
arrester kit is available for your Classic II. See the
section of this manual for more informa-
An incorrect spark arrester may lead to damage to the
engine or reduce performance.
If you use a non-Lincoln undercarriage, you must
assume responsibility that the method of attachment
and usage does not result in a safety hazard nor dam-
age the welding equipment. Some of the factors to be
considered are as follows:
1. Design capacity of the undercarriage vs. the weight
of the Lincoln equipment and likely additional
2. Proper support of, and attachment to, the base of
the welding equipment so there will be no undue
stress to the framework.
3. Proper placement of the equipment on the under-
carriage to ensure stability side to side and front to
back. This includes when being moved and when
standing by itself for operation or service.
4. Typical conditions of use, such as travel speed,
roughness of the surfaces where the undercarriage
will be used, environmental conditions, likely main-
5. Conformance with federal, state, and local laws.
Consult applicable federal, state, and local laws
about specific requirements for use on public high-
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