The wire feeder control cable can connect to the CV-
400 at the 14-pin amphenol on the front of the machine
(with the appropriate adapter cable) or the terminal
strips behind the hinged control panel cover. A strain
relief box connector is provided for cable access to the
terminal strips. The wire feeder grounding wire con-
nects to a chassis ground screw provided near the ter-
minal strips and marked with the ground symbol .
See the
section of this manual for specif-
ic instructions for connecting the following automatic
and semiautomatic wire feeders to the CV-400:
Automatic Wire Feeders: NA-3, NA-5, NA-5R.
Semiautomatic Wire Feeders: LN-7, LN-7 GMA, LN-8,
LN-9, LN-9 GMA, LN-22, LN-23P, LN-25, LN-742.
A-8 A-8
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