
Gun Cable Connection with Standard
1. Check that the drive rolls and guide tubes are
proper for the electrode size and type being
used. If necessary, change them per
Wire Drive
Roll Kits
in this section.
2. Lay the cable out straight. Insert the connector
on the welding conductor cable into the brass
conductor block on the front of the wire drive
head. Make sure it is all the way in and tighten
the hand clamp. Keep this connection clean and
bright. Connect the trigger control cable polar-
ized plug into the mating 5 cavity receptacle on
the front of the wire drive unit.
3. For GMA Gun Cables with separate gas fitting
(DH Drive using K1500-1 Gun Adapter), connect
the 3/16 in. I.D. gas hose from the wire drive unit
to the gun cable barbed fitting.
(Requires K489-2 Fast Mate™ Adapter Kit used with
the DH K1500-1 Gun Adapter)
An expanding line of Magnum Fast-Mate™ air cooled
and water cooled gun and cable assemblies are avail-
able to allow welding with solid and cored electrodes
using the GMAW process. See the appropriate
Magnum literature for descriptions of the 200 to 400
ampere air cooled gun and cables that are available
as well as the Magnum “Super Cool” 450 ampere
water cooled gun and cable. Gun cable lengths range
from 10 ft (3.0 m) to 25 ft (7.6 m) and feed electrode
sizes 0.025 in. (0.6 mm) to 5/64 in. (20 mm).
An expanding line of Magnum X-Tractor gun and
cable assemblies provides fume extraction capability
for welding with solid and cored electrodes using the
GMAW process. See the appropriate Magnum litera-
ture for descriptions of the 250 to 400 ampere air
cooled gun and cables that are available. Gun cable
lengths range from 10 ft (3.0 m) to 15 ft (4.5 m) and
feed electrode sizes 0.035 in. (0.9 mm) to 1/16 in.
(1.6 mm). These guns require the use of either the
K173-1 or K184* vacuum units.
*Requires S14927-8 connector hose and an S20591
hose adapter.
Gun Cable Connection with Fast-Mate
1. Check that the drive rolls, feeder guide tubes and
gun connector guide tube are appropriate for the
electrode size being used. If necessary, change
them per
Wire Drive Roll Kits
in this section.
2. Connect gun to gun connector making sure all
pins and gas tube line up with appropriate holes
in connector. Tighten gun by turning large nut on
gun cable clockwise.
DH Double Head Drives: must have a K590-4
Water Connection Kit installed for each water cooled
gun. (See
Using male quick-connect fittings, connect the water
hoses to the coolant inlet and outlet on the back of the
wire drive. Connect the other ends of these hoses to
the appropriate ports on the water cooling units.
In the event the water line fittings on your water
cooled gun are incompatible with the female quick
connects on the front of the wire drive, male quick-
connects (L.E. Part No. S19663) are provided in the
Kit for installation on 3/16 in. (5 mm) I.D. hose
(Customer to provide appropriate clamps). The feeder
connectors self seal when disconnected.
Single Head Drives (K679): Must have a
K682-2 Water Connection Kit installed. (See
Using hose clamps provided with the K682-2 kit, con-
nect appropriate water hoses to the coolant inlet and
outlet fittings on the back of the K682-2 Kit. Connect
the other ends of these hoses to the appropriate ports
on the water cooling units.
In the event the water line fittings on your water
cooled gun are incompatible with the female quick
connects on the front of the K682-2 Kit male quick-
connects are provided with the kit for installation on
3/16 in. (5 mm) I.D. hose (Customer to provide appro-
priate clamps). The feeder connectors self seal when
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