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The MSP4 panel controls (Items 7 and 9) set consist of
an encoder knob Item 8 and two push buttons. The
encoder is primarily used to change the value of the
elected attribute.
The left pushbutton (Item 7)
is used to toggle between
Weld Mode selection and any active Arc Controls
(a.k.a. wave controls). The choices of wave controls
varies by weld mode. For example, weld mode 31 has
one wave control, “Pinch”. Weld mode 110 has three
wave controls, “Peak Current”, “Background Current”
and “Tailout”. If the selected weld mode has no wave
controls, pressing the left pushbutton will have no
effect. If the selected weld mode uses one or more
wave controls, pressing the left pushbutton will
sequence the selection from weld mode -> wave con-
trol 1 (if active) -> wave control 2 (if active) -> wave
control 3 (if active) -> wave control 4 (if active) then
back to weld mode.
The right pushbutton (Item 9)
is used to select attribut-
es that affect the available weld parameters such as
preflow time, burnback time, etc. Since most users will
require infrequent access to these attributes, they are
separate from weld mode selection and wave control
The MSP4 display consists of a large 4-digit, 7-seg-
ment LED display, two 8-character alphanumeric LED
displays and one 16-character alphanumeric LED dis-
play. The information shown on the various displays
depends on the state of the user interface as described
When the MSP4 is being used to select a weld mode,
the 4-digit display (Item 2) indicates the selected weld
mode number. The upper 8-character alphanumeric
display (Item 3) indicates the electrode type (steel, alu-
minum, etc.) The lower 8-character alphanumeric dis-
play (Item 4) indicates the electrode size (.035", 1/16",
The 16-character alphanumeric display (Item 5) indi-
cates the process type and other information, the exact
content of which depends on the selected weld mode.
This additional information may include specific elec-
trode type (e.g. 4043) and/or a description of the rec-
ommended gas (e.g. HeArCO2).
When the MSP4 is being used to change the value of
an attribute, the 7-segment displays show the selected
attribute’s value. The upper 8-character alphanumeric
display is typically not used while changing an
attribute’s value. The lower 8-character alphanumeric
display is used to indicate the units of the selected
attribute (e.g. seconds, in/min, etc.). The 16-character
alphanumeric display is used to display the name of
the selected attribute.
The content of the displays while the user interface is
being used for advance machine configuration (e.g.
limit setting, pass code entering, machine setup, etc.)
is described in later sections.
When power is first applied to the machine, a lamp test
is performed. All discrete LED’
s are turned on, all 7-
segment displays will show a pattern of "8." and all
alphanumeric displays will show a hatch pattern where
every-other pixel is illuminated. The lamp test will last
for two seconds, after which all displays are turned
back off. The 16-character alphanumeric display will
show "Initializing…" while waiting for the Weld
Sequencer to announce bus available. The MSP4
alphanumeric displays will then display the name of the
weld table loaded in the power source while the user
interface prepares the machine for operation. After all
initialization is complete, the MSP4 will display the
weld mode information for the mode number that was
selected when the machine was last powered down.
To select a weld mode, press the left MSP4 pushbut-
ton until the WELD MODE LED is illuminated. Turn the
MSP4 encoder until the desired weld mode number is
displayed. As the MSP4 encoder knob is rotated, only
the weld mode number is displayed.
After 1 second of
encoder idle time, the user interface will change to the
selected weld mode and the new mode’s electrode
type, electrode size and process information will