The machine seems to be locked
into the “CC-STICK” mode of oper-
1. Check the position of the WELD
MODE selector switch. The
switch should cleanly snap into
each mode position, and should
not feel gritty or get hung-up
between positions.
1. Check that plug P-7 is fully seat-
ed into the weld control PC
board socket. See Control
Inner-Connection diagram.
Check for corroded, dirty, or
damaged Molex terminals in
plug P-7, also check for similar
problems in socket J-7 on the
weld control PC board. Check
the wiring between the control
PC board and the mode switch.
look for poor crimp and solder
connections as well as dam-
aged wiring or insulation. See
wiring diagram.
2. Perform the Control
Potentiometer and Mode
Switch Test.
3. The Weld control PC board may
be defective.
Return to Section TOC Return to Section TOC Return to Section TOC Return to Section TOC
Return to Master TOC Return to Master TOC Return to Master TOC Return to Master TOC
F-10 F-10
If for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the test/repairs safely,
contact the Lincoln Electric Service Department for electrical troubleshooting assistance before you proceed. Call
The machine front panel output
control is still active when the
remote control unit is connected to
one of the Amphenol Receptacles.
1. The condition is normal in
“Touch Start TIG” mode. See
the operators’ manual.
2. The remote control unit may be
3. Check the Amphenol recepta-
cles. Look for damaged or cor-
roded contact pins in the recep-
tacle and in the plug of the
remote control unit.
1.. Check plug #P1 on the control
PC board. Plug should be
properly seated and pins in
both the plug and the PC board
jack must be clean and fit tight-
ly together.
2. There may be a poor connection
between the weld control PC
board and the Amphenol recep-
tacles. Check for continuity
between the following terminals.
See Wring diagram and control
connection diagram.
P1-10 to 6 pin Amphenol pin “C”
and to 14 pin Amphenol pin “G”.
P1-11 to 6 pin Amphenol pin “A”
and to 14 pin Amphenol pin “E”.
P1-14 to 6 pin Amphenol “B” and to
14 pin Amphenol pin “F”.
3. The weld control Pc board may
be defective.
TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE Observe Safety Guidelines
detailed in the beginning of this manual.