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Surface Tension Transfer, or STT™ welding, is a
break-through process offered exclusively by the
Lincoln Electric Company. STT™ is a low heat, low
spatter process created with Waveform Control
Technology™. STT™ is the process of choice for open
root welding, welding on thin materials or welding on
parts with poor fit-up. Low spatter, even when using
100% CO
2 shielding gas, results in cost savings in gas
and part clean-up.
Several sets of STT™ weld modes are available.
• Modes 110 and 126 provide individual control of
peak current, background current and tail-out, and
are most often used in robotic applications.
• Modes 123 and 124 include Hot Start and give total
control of the arc.
• Synergic STT™ modes keep the arc characteristics
the same when the wire feed speed is changed.
Note: STT™ is available only with specially equipped
Power Wave power sources, like the POWER FEED®
For best results:
• Attach the work sense lead as close as possible to
the welding arc.
• Use only solid steel or silicon bronze electrodes.
1 K2203-1 Power Wave® 455M/STT
POWER FEED® 10M, Bench Model
POWER FEED® 10M Dual, Bench Model
2 K2536-1 POWER FEED® 25M
KP1695-xx, Drive Roll Kit, 2 Roll Feeder
KP1507-xx Drive Roll Kit, 4 Roll Feeder
3 K1543-xx Digital Control Cable
K1796-xx, K2593-xx
Coaxial Weld Power Cable, Lug to Lug
5 K910-xx Ground Clamp
6 K940-xx Sense Lead Kit
7 See Magnum MIG Gun
Deluxe Regulator for Mixed
8 K586-1 Shielding Gases
Shielding Gas Hose